Massimiliano Sermi


Thrilled you're here at my digital doorstep. Take a peek into my life's passions, professional strides, and those small delights that make life worth living. Dive in, engage, and don't hesitate to reach out – this space is as much about you as it is about me. Enjoy your stay!

Black and white portrait of Massimiliano Sermi, the owner of MS Consulting, poised confidently. MS Consulting specializes in coaching, mentoring, consulting, and advanced services.

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Unlock Your Potential with Mentoring & Coaching!

Ever felt like you're on the verge of something great, but just need a nudge in the right direction? That's where mentoring and coaching come into play. By providing tailored advice, guidance, and feedback, these sessions can be the catalyst for the breakthrough you've been waiting for.

Whether you're navigating career challenges, seeking clarity on personal goals, or simply need a fresh perspective, a coaching or mentoring session can provide the insights and motivation you need. It's not just about addressing issues; it's about fostering growth, unlocking potential, and setting you on a path of continuous learning and success.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Book a session today, and take the next step in your journey towards personal and professional excellence.

Our Services In English & Italian

  • Coaching & Mentoring

    Experience transformative growth with my Coaching & Mentoring services. Drawing from vast industry experience and a passion for personal development, I provide customized mentorship to unlock your full potential or to reskill your career.

  • Consulting

    Elevate your business to success with Agile Transformation, Organizational Strategy, Product Management & Project management consulting services.

  • Advanced Service

    Dive deep into hands-on learning with our tailored workshops, where theory evolves into practice. Engage in User Story Mapping to visualize the journey, participate in focused Sprint Workshops for rapid innovation, and harness Facilitation for Decision Making to drive consensus and actionable results. Through assessments and audits, we pinpoint your strengths and areas for growth, ensuring our offerings are not just effective, but perfectly aligned with your unique needs

Explore My Creations: Podcasts, Portfolio, and Insights

My Books

Immerse yourself in the rhythmic beauty of our Italian collection. Dive into captivating narratives with our novel or let the poetic verses transport you to a world of emotion and wonder. Authentically penned in Italian, these books promise a rich, cultural experience.


Michele embarks on an enigmatic journey, reminiscent of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey, diving deep into the realm of the psyche. But before setting forth, he's tethered by a solemn vow made to a dear one—a promise he can't discard like many before him.

His journey unfolds against a backdrop of ambiguous locales and timelines, bordering on the surreal. The laws of physics blur, and like in dreams, the impossible becomes plausible. Boundaries constantly intersect and drift, creating a narrative devoid of specific times and places. Michele grapples with his inner demons, fears, and very psyche, leading him through a series of events that culminate in profound self-awareness. As he faces daunting adventures and choices, they cast light on the shadows that frequently eclipse our life cycle. Like a spider weaving its web, the narrative intricately unfolds. Bizarre yet rooted in daily reality, the story immerses readers in a world oscillating between dream and reality, where boundaries remain ever-fluid and the sequence of events feels either aeons apart or strikingly close, crafting a tale without fixed time or location.

This novel not only challenges the boundaries of reality and dreams but also beckons readers to embark on their own introspective journey, pushing them to confront their innermost fears, desires, and the mutable nature of their own realities—making it an essential read for anyone seeking deeper self-understanding and a fresh perspective on the complexities of the human psyche.


Verses as sharp as blades strike at the complacency permeating society and the masks behind which man hides. Enslaved by twisted mechanisms, unable to look within, and addicted to the trivial, many seek refuge in delusive and false images. Fearlessly and without restraint, the author delves into the decay that each being harbours, savours it, and then passionately proclaims it. Highlighting that no one is truly innocent, where both the hated and those who hate, the lambs and wolves coexist within every soul. Reading this piece not only challenges our self-perceptions but also compels us to confront the uncomfortable truths about humanity and our intrinsic duality, making it essential for those seeking raw and unfiltered introspection.

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